I believe...
- donuts are a food group.
- peanut butter belongs on pancakes. Crunchy.
- you're never too old to do dumb stuff.
- wanderlust is the cure, not the disease.
- lifelong friends can be made in an afternoon.
- photos are tangible.
- in hugs & holding hands.
- in a cup of tea & a chat.
- in authenticity, always.
- in simplicity. Adulting is hard.
The ability to make people happy, feel good, and see themselves in a new way makes ME absolutely giddy. Oh, and they get their photo needs met, too!
I am a portrait photographer. My job and my hope is to build you up and show you at your best. I provide fun and engaging senior portraits and family photos. I help business owners and entrepreneurs show up online with headshots and web worthy photos.
Special projects like my Free 2B Me sessions for teens and tweens to give them a confidence boost going into middle or high school, and 40 Over Forty sessions to remind 40+ women that they are wonderfully made at every stage of life, are two other ways I try to do things a little differently. How can I help YOU adult today?

Wanna know more about me?
If you'd like to know a bit more about me and how I view photography, click on the buttons below to read featured articles about me and my business from Canvas Rebel and Shoutout Colorado.
There's also a video at the bottom of the homepage!